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Welcome to the Rindap API! You can use our API to access Rindap API endpoints, which can get information on Tasks, Taskrouters, Workflows, Workers etc. in our database.

We have language bindings in Java, CSharp, Python, and JavaScript! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.


To authorize, use this code:

java codes goes here
csharp codes goes here
from import Client
from import Rindap

rindap = Rindap(client)
var Rindap = require('rindap');

 * rindap-node supports credential storage in environment variables. 
 * ACCOUNT_SID: For Account SID
 * AUTH_TOKEN: For Token
 * var rindap = new Rindap();

var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");
using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Authenticate
        RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

Your API key is : [TOKEN]

Rindap uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can register a new Rindap API key at our developer portal.

Rindap expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization:Bearer [Account SID].[Auth token]


Rindap (Process) Workspace is a customizable place enabling you to create your Tasks, Workers, TaskQueues and Workflows elements in it to access and manage your business processes. The elements defined in one Workspace are specific to it and cannot be shared with other Workspace.

Various tasks with different attributes, specific and modifiable workflow, various skilled workers can be defined in one Workspace to orchestrate your business processes efficiently in the lowest time. Business Process Workspace helps organizations to improve their internal processes management by providing a single container to manage, control and monitor the whole elements needed in one place. With Rindap, managing the inner operational processes of a company in a purpose-built Workspace and defining your strategies and policies for the company in a single Workspace can be done.

Workspace Properties

Create A Workspace

curl -X POST </span>
--data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my test workspace' </span>
--data-urlencode 'EventCallbackUrl=' </span>
--data-urlencode 'EventCallMethod=GET' </span>
--data-urlencode 'DefaultActivity=busy' \ 
--data-urlencode 'TimeoutActivity=offline'
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workspace ws = Workspace.creator("my test workspace") .setEventCallbackUrl("") .setEventCallbackMethod(HttpMethod.GET) .setDefaultActivity("busy") .setTimeoutActivity("idle) .create();

System.out.println(ws); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

ws = rindap.workspaces.create("my test workspace", event_callback_url="", event_callback_method="GET", default_activity="busy", timeout_activity="idle")

print("FriendlyName: {}".format(ws.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create a workspace rindap.workspaces.create({ friendlyName: "Friendly Name", eventCallbackUrl: "", eventCallbackMethod: "GET", defaultActivity: "busy", timeoutActivity: "idle" }, function(err, workspace) { // Print workspace content console.log('Workspace Created'); console.log(workspace.sid); console.log(workspace.friendlyName); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackUrl); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackMethod); console.log(workspace.defaultActivity); console.log(workspace.timeoutActivity); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create a workspace WorkspaceResource ws = WorkspaceResource.Create( friendlyName: "Very Friendly Name From C#", eventCallbackUrl: new Uri(""), eventCallbackMethod: "GET", defaultActivity: "busy", timeoutActivity: "offline" );

Console.WriteLine("Workspace Friendly Name : " + ws.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + ws.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Default Activity : " + ws.DefaultActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Timeout Activity : " + ws.TimeoutActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event Calllback Url : " + ws.EventCallbackUrl); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event callback Method: " + ws.EventCallbackMethod); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my test workspace",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "default_activity": "busy",
  "timeout_activity": "idle",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
  "event_callback_url": "",
  "event_callback_method": "GET",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "tasks": "",
    "workers": "",
    "workflows": "",
    "task_queues": ""

You can create a Workspace by simply providing a friendly name

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
FriendlyName String '' A descriptive string that you create to describe the Workspace resource. It can be up to 512 characters long
EventCallbackUrl String '' (Optional) The URL we call when an event occurs. If provided, the Workspace will publish events to this URL, for example, to collect data for reporting. See Workspace Events for more information.
EventCallbackMethod String 'POST' (Optional) The HTTP Request Method for calling the EventCallbackUrl
DefaultActivity String 'offline' (Optional) The Activity that will be used when new Workers are created in the Workspace.
TimeoutActivity String 'offline' (Optional) The Activity that will be assigned to a Worker when a Task reservation times out without a response

Get All Workspaces

// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workspace.Reader reader = Workspace.reader("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(Workspace System.out.println(ws); } }

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Fetch all workspaces var workspaces = WorkspaceResource.Read(limit: 100, pageSize: 100);

// Iterate all workspaces foreach (var ws in workspaces) { // Print workspace content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Friendly Name : " + ws.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + ws.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Default Activity : " + ws.DefaultActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Timeout Activity : " + ws.TimeoutActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event Calllback Url : " + ws.EventCallbackUrl); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event callback Method: " + ws.EventCallbackMethod); } } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

lists = rindap.workspaces.list(friendly_name=None, limit=10, page_size=5) workspace = lists.pop() print(workspace.friendly_name)

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get all workspaces rindap.workspaces.list({ limit: 100, page_size: 100 }, function(err, result) { result.forEach(function(workspace) {

console.log(workspace.sid); console.log(workspace.friendlyName); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackUrl); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackMethod); console.log(workspace.defaultActivity); console.log(workspace.timeoutActivity); }); });

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 50,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "workspaces",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "workspaces": [
      "sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "friendly_name": "my test workspace",
      "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "default_activity": "busy",
      "timeout_activity": "idle",
      "date_created": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
      "date_updated": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
      "event_callback_url": "",
      "event_callback_method": "GET",
      "url": "",
      "links": {
        "tasks": "",
        "workers": "",
        "workflows": "",
        "task_queues": ""
] }

This endpoint retrives all Workspaces

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
FriendlyName String '' Human readable friendly name
PageSize Integer 50 Page size for paging
Page Integer 0 Page number for paging

Fetch A Workspace

curl -X GET
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workspace ws = Workspace.fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(ws); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

ws_fetcher = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") workspace = ws_fetcher.fetch() print(workspace.friendly_name)

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a workspaces with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx').fetch( function(err, workspace) { console.log(err); console.log(workspace.sid); console.log(workspace.friendlyName); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackUrl); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackMethod); console.log(workspace.defaultActivity); console.log(workspace.timeoutActivity); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a workspace with SID var ws = WorkspaceResource.Fetch( pathSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print workspace content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Friendly Name : " + ws.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + ws.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Default Activity : " + ws.DefaultActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Timeout Activity : " + ws.TimeoutActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event Calllback Url : " + ws.EventCallbackUrl); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event callback Method: " + ws.EventCallbackMethod); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my test workspace",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "default_activity": "busy",
  "timeout_activity": "idle",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
  "event_callback_url": "",
  "event_callback_method": "GET",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "tasks": "",
    "workers": "",
    "workflows": "",
    "task_queues": ""

This endpoint fetches a single Workspace with all Its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace

Update a Workspace

curl -X PUT </span>
--data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my test workspace updated' </span>
--data-urlencode 'EventCallbackUrl=' </span>
--data-urlencode 'EventCallMethod=POST' </span>
--data-urlencode 'DefaultActivity=idle' \ 
--data-urlencode 'TimeoutActivity=busy'
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workspace ws = Workspace .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyName("my test workspace updated") .setEventCallbackUrl("") .setEventCallbackMethod("POST") .setDefaultActivity("idle") .setTimeoutActivity("offline")

System.out.println(ws); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

ws_fetcher = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") ws_fetcher.update(friendly_name="New Friendly Name", default_activity="offline", timeout_activity="offline", event_callback_url="", event_callback_method="POST")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a workspaces with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx').update({ friendlyName: "New Friendly Name", eventCallbackUrl: "", defaultActivity: "offline", timeoutActivity: "offline" }, function(err, workspace) { console.log(workspace.sid); console.log(workspace.friendlyName); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackUrl); console.log(workspace.eventCallbackMethod); console.log(workspace.defaultActivity); console.log(workspace.timeoutActivity); });

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a workspace with SID var ws = WorkspaceResource.Update( pathSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Workspace Name", eventCallbackUrl: new Uri(""), eventCallbackMethod: "POST", defaultActivity: "busy", timeoutActivity: "busy" );

// Print workspace content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Friendly Name : " + ws.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + ws.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Default Activity : " + ws.DefaultActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Timeout Activity : " + ws.TimeoutActivity); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event Calllback Url : " + ws.EventCallbackUrl); Console.WriteLine("Workspace Event callback Method: " + ws.EventCallbackMethod); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my test workspace updated",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "default_activity": "idle",
  "timeout_activity": "offline",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T01:36:02+03:00",
  "event_callback_url": "",
  "event_callback_method": "POST",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "tasks": "",
    "workers": "",
    "workflows": "",
    "task_queues": ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String (Optional) A descriptive string that you create to describe the Workspace resource. It can be up to 512 characters long
EventCallbackUrl String (Optional) The URL we call when an event occurs. If provided, the Workspace will publish events to this URL, for example, to collect data for reporting. See Workspace Events for more information.
EventCallbackMethod String (Optional) The HTTP Request Method for calling the EventCallbackUrl
DefaultActivity String (Optional) The Activity that will be used when new Workers are created in the Workspace.
TimeoutActivity String (Optional) The Activity that will be assigned to a Worker when a Task reservation times out without a response

Delete a Workspace

curl -X DEL </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workspace.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").delete(); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

ww_fetcher = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") if ww_fetcher.delete(): print("Workspaces have been deleted!")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a workspaces with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx').remove();

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a workspace with SID var isDeleted = WorkspaceResource.Delete( pathSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("Workspace has been deleted!"); } } }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace


In order to perform more tasks, perform tasks more precisely and in-time, Workers interact with TaskQueues. Workers always listen to multiple TaskQueues or no Queue at all. When a task is feeded to TaskQueue, based on eligibility, capability and role of a Worker, a task is assigned to Worker to perform it. For example, a Worker can be a person in a call center, a web service endpoint that listens to instructions, or an expert fixing the system failure.

Worker Properties

Worker Attributes

A worker's attributes are used to simply and accurately represent a working entity on Rindap. These attributes can be skills and information about a person , in the case of a human Worker. Or it can be some identifying data and hard-coded parameters for a digital entity like a web service. When populating this field, you should keep in mind that the value in some of these fields might be used for creating the TaskQueue relations of this Worker, according to the worker_requirements field of TaskQueues , which is simply a JsonLogic rule. For example , a worker with attributes such as the one below:

{ "name" : "john doe" "age": 44 "department" : "support" "location": "Utah" }

would be receiving Tasks from a TaskQueue with worker_requirements as such:

{ "==":[{"var":"department"},"support"] }

Because the requirement rules for the TaskQueue would be matching the attributes of the Worker.

Create A Worker

curl -X POST </span>
--data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my test worker' 
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Worker w = Worker.creator("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyNameAttributes("my test worker") .create();

System.out.println(w); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Create a worker worker = workspace.workers.create("My New Worker", activity="idle", task_queues=["WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"], rate_limit_profile_sid="RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Print content of worker print("FriendlyName: {}".format(worker.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(worker.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Crate a worker rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers .create({ friendlyName: "Friendly Worker Name" , activity: "idle", rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", taskQueues: ["WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"] }, function(err, worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); });

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create a worker var worker = WorkerResource.Create( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Worker", activity: "offline", taskQueues: new String[] { "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "queues": [
  "activity": "offline",
  "available": false,
  "friendly_name": "my test worker",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

You can create a Worker by simply providing a FriendlyName

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String '' Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long
Activity String '' (optional) Activity for the created Worker to be assinged to. If not provided , The default_activity for the Workspace will be used
Attributes String '' A URL-encoded JSON string with the features and skills of a Worker. This value is used for deciding which TaskQueues the Worker can receive Tasks from.
RateLimitProfileSid String '' (optional) The SID of the RateLimitProfile for overseeing the maximum rate of reservations this Worker can have hourly. For more information see Rate Limit Profiles

Get All Workers

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Worker.Reader reader = Worker.reader("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(Worker System.out.println(w); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") worker_fetcher = workspace.workers.list(limit=10, page_size=5) worker = worker_fetcher.pop() print("FriendlyName: {}".format(worker.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(worker.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get all workers rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100, }, function(err, workers) { workers.forEach( function(worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); }); });

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get all workers var workers = WorkerResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

foreach (var worker in workers) { // Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Worker SID : " + worker.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 50,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "workers",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "workers": [
      "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "queues": [
      "activity": "offline",
      "available": false,
      "friendly_name": "my test worker",
      "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
      "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
      "url": "",
      "links": {
        "workspace": ""

This endpoint retrives all Workers

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSid String '' The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String '' (optional) Human readable friendly name. Can be used for filtering
PageSize Integer 50 Page size for paging
Page Integer 0 Page number for paging

Fetch a Worker

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Worker w = Worker .fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(w); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") worker = workspace.workers.get("WKdc8c97f1e1c24410ae08605ff6e5d946").fetch() print("FriendlyName: {}".format(worker.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(worker.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a workers with sid rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch( function(err, worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a worker with SID var worker = WorkerResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Worker SID : " + worker.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "queues": [
  "activity": "offline",
  "available": false,
  "friendly_name": "my test worker",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

This endpoint fetches a single Worker with all Its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSid String '' The SID of the Workspace
WorkerSid String '' The SID of the Worker

Update a Worker

curl -X PUT </span>
  /Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \  
  --data-urlencode 'Activity=idle' </span>
  --data-urlencode 'TaskQueues=WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' </span>
--data-urlencode 'AssignmentStatus=pending' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Worker w = Worker .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setActivity("idle") .addTaskQueue("WQ11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .addTaskQueue("WQ22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update();

System.out.println(w); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") worker = workspace.workers.get("WKdc8c97f1e1c24410ae08605ff6e5d946") wk = worker.update(friendly_name="New Worker Name", activity="idle") print("FriendlyName: {}".format(wk.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(wk.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a workers rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").update({ friendlyName: "New Friendly Worker Name" , activity: "offline", rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", taskQueues: ["WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"] } ,function(err, worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a worker with SID var worker = WorkerResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Friendly Name", taskQueues: new string[] { "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } );

// Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Worker SID : " + worker.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "queues": [
  "activity": "idle",
  "available": true,
  "friendly_name": "my test worker",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace with the Worker to update
WorkerSID String '' The SID of the Worker to be updated
FriendlyName String '' (optional) Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long
Activity String '' (optional) Activity for Worker. A worker needs to be in idle activity to receive a suitable Task
Attributes String '' A URL-encoded JSON string with the features and skills of a Worker. This value is used for deciding which TaskQueues the Worker can receive Tasks from. When you update this value , the related TaskQueues of this Worker are updated
RateLimitProfileSid String '' (optional) The SID of the new RateLimitProfile for the Worker

Delete a Worker

curl -X DEL </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Worker.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .delete(); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") if workspace.workers.get("WK369cfb99700446dea18fcabbd9f1a68c").delete(): print("Worker has been deleted")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a workers with sid rindap.workspaces('WS70cdccad050a41619162db0f32b7fc43') .workers("WK2b9748b550ee40a2bd010f06c78511e3").remove();

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a worker with SID var isDeleted = WorkerResource.Delete( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("Worker has been deleted!"); } } }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
WorkerSID String '' The SID of the Worker


In process management, a task is an activity that needs to be done, leading to the final deliverable. Tasks are a small essential piece of work that must be carried out to progress the whole project. For example, in business process systems, a process could consist of several tasks or activities to be completed in a defined period of time. CRM or ticketing systems allow organizations to generate tasks such as creating reminders in customer accounts that are synced with the calendar.

Task Attributes

Task attributes are the core features of Tasks that are evaluated in the Workflow process. Consequently, based on the evaluation results, the path a task will follow in the Workflow is determined. Attributes are expressed in JSON data, for example:

Task Lifecycle

A Task has a Lifecycle to manage a task. When a task is created, either manually or automatically by a system, it can pass through several states it is completed by its own or is closed manually. A Task’s lifecycle starts when the task is generated, then the task is assigned, is processed, is completed and finally is verified. In the process management system, a user submits a task to a Workflow. Afterwards, the Task’s attributes are evaluated against the Filters in the Workflow , starting from the starting Filter defined in the Workflow until a match is found. When a match is found, the Task is pushed to the TaskQueue designated by the matching Filter. Task waits in the queue till a capable and available Worker is handled the Task.

Task Properties

Create A Task

curl -X POST </span>
--data-urlencode 'WorkflowSid=WWb898bae42dec49e792f37f9639bf625c' 
--data-urlencode 'Attributes={"some_integer": 55,"some_text": "hello world","some_boolean" : true}' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Task t = Task.creator("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setAttributes("{\"some_integer\": 55, \"some_text\": \"hello world\",\"some_boolean\" : true}") .setWorkflowSid("WWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") .create();

System.out.println(t); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Create a task task = workspace.tasks.create(workflow_sid="WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", attributes='{"some_integer": 55, "some_text": "hello world","some_boolean" : true}')

# Print content of task print("TaskSid: {}".format(task.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Crate a task rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks .create({ attributes: '{"some_integer": 55, "some_text": "hello world","some_boolean" : true}', workflowSid: 'WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' }, function(err, task) { console.log(task.sid); console.log(task.attributes); console.log(task.workflowSid); });

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create an attributes var attributes = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary<string, Object>() { {"type", "support"} }, Formatting.Indented);

// Create a task var task = TaskResource.Create( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", workflowSid: "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", attributes: attributes, timeout: 100 );

// Print task content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + task.Sid); foreach (var attribute in task.Attributes) { Console.WriteLine("Attributes: "); Console.WriteLine("\tKey :" + attribute.Key); Console.WriteLine("\tValue :" + attribute.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Timeout : " + task.Timeout); Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSid : " + task.WorkflowSid); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WT9a69287d97fe4110a76ef9db8cf728f8",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workflow_friendly_name": "my first workflow",
  "initial_attributes": {
    "some_integer": 55,
    "some_text": "hello world"
    "some_boolean" : true
}, "attributes": { "some_integer": 55, "some_text": "hello world" "some_boolean" : true
}, "assignment_status": "pending", "step": -1, "reason": null, "date_created": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "last_charge_date": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "next_charge_date": "2020-02-01T16:11:35+03:00", "total_cost": "0.01", "url": "", "links": { "workspace": "", "workflow": "" }, "age": 0 }

You can create a task by simply providing the Task Attributes and the Workflow for the task

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace in which the Task is created
WorkflowSID String '' The SID of the Workflow that you would like Task to be handled by
Attributes String '' A URL-encoded JSON string with the attributes of the new task. This value is passed to the Workflow's assignment_callback_url when the Task is assigned to a Worker.
Timeout Integer '' (Optional) (Max=34560) (Min=1) Timeout value in minutes, for the Task to be closed after, if the Task assignment_status is not completed or cancelled at the time of control.Task will be "cancelled" with reason "Task TTL Exceeded"

Get All Tasks

// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Task.Reader reader = Task.reader("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(Task System.out.println(t); } }

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Fetch all tasks var tasks = TaskResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

// Iterate on all tasks foreach (var task in tasks) { // Print task content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + task.Sid); foreach (var attribute in task.Attributes) { Console.WriteLine("Attributes: "); Console.WriteLine("\tKey :" + attribute.Key); Console.WriteLine("\tValue :" + attribute.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Timeout : " + task.Timeout); Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSid : " + task.WorkflowSid); } } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Fetch all tasks task_fetcher = workspace.tasks.list(limit=10, page_size=5) for task in task_fetcher: # Print content of task print("TaskSid: {}".format(task.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all tasks rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100 }, function(err, tasks) { tasks.forEach(function(task){ console.log(task.sid); console.log(task.attributes); console.log(task.workflowSid); }) });

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 50,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "string",
    "previous_page_url": "string",
    "url": "string",
    "key": "string",
    "next_page_url": "string"
  "workspaces": [
      "sid": "string",
      "friendly_name": "string",
      "event_callback_url": "string",
      "account_sid": "string",
      "date_created": "2020-04-02T12:30:58.083Z",
      "date_updated": "2020-04-02T12:30:58.083Z",
      "url": "string",
      "links": {
        "tasks": "string",
        "workers": "string",
        "workflows": "string",
        "task_queues": "string"

This endpoint retrives all Tasks

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace in which the Task is created
FriendlyName String '' Human readable friendly name
PageSize Integer 50 Page size for paging
Page Integer 0 Page number for paging

Fetch a Task

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Task t = Task .fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(t); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get a task with sid task = workspace.tasks.get("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Print content of task print("TaskSid: {}".format(task.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a tasks with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(function(err, task) { console.log(task.sid); console.log(task.attributes); console.log(task.workflowSid); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a tasks with SID var task = TaskResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print task content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + task.Sid); foreach (var attribute in task.Attributes) { Console.WriteLine("Attributes: "); Console.WriteLine("\tKey :" + attribute.Key); Console.WriteLine("\tValue :" + attribute.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Timeout : " + task.Timeout); Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSid : " + task.WorkflowSid); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WT9a69287d97fe4110a76ef9db8cf728f8",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workflow_sid": "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workflow_friendly_name": "my first workflow",
  "initial_attributes": {
    "some_integer": 55,
    "some_text": "hello world"
    "some_boolean" : true
}, "attributes": { "some_integer": 55, "some_text": "hello world" "some_boolean" : true
}, "assignment_status": "pending", "step": -1, "reason": null, "date_created": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "last_charge_date": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "next_charge_date": "2020-02-01T16:11:35+03:00", "total_cost": "0.01", "url": "", "links": { "workspace": "", "workflow": "" }, "age": 0 }

This endpoint fetches a single Task with all its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' Workspace SID in which the Task is created
TaskSID String '' TaskSID (Secure Identifier) - a unique ID for the Task

Update a Task

curl -X PUT </span>
  /Tasks/WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx </span>
--data-urlencode 'Attributes={"result_of_some_query": 55,"some_text": "new related info"}' </span>
--data-urlencode 'AssignmentStatus=pending' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Task t = Task .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setAttributes("{\"result_of_some_query\": 55, \"some_text\": \"new related info\"}") .setAssignmentStatus("pending") .update();

System.out.println(t); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get a task with sid task = workspace.tasks.get("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Update task updated_task = task.update(assignment_status="completed")

# Print content of task print("TaskSid: {}".format(updated_task.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a tasks rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update({ assignmentStatus: "cancelled" },function(err, task) { console.log(err); console.log(task.sid); console.log(task.attributes); console.log(task.workflowSid); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a tasks with SID var task = TaskResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", assignmentStatus: "cancelled" );

// Print task content Console.WriteLine("Workspace Sid : " + task.Sid); foreach (var attribute in task.Attributes) { Console.WriteLine("Attributes: "); Console.WriteLine("\tKey :" + attribute.Key); Console.WriteLine("\tValue :" + attribute.Value); } Console.WriteLine("Timeout : " + task.Timeout); Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSid : " + task.WorkflowSid); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WT9a69287d97fe4110a76ef9db8cf728f8",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workflow_sid": "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workflow_friendly_name": "my first workflow",
  "initial_attributes": {
    "some_integer": 55,
    "some_text": "hello world"
    "some_boolean" : true
}, "attributes": { "result_of_some_query": 55, "some_text": "new related info" }, "assignment_status": "pending", "step": -1, "reason": null, "date_created": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "last_charge_date": "2020-01-01T16:11:35+03:00", "next_charge_date": "2020-02-01T16:11:35+03:00", "total_cost": "0.01", "url": "", "links": { "workspace": "", "workflow": "" }, "age": 0 }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace in which the Task is created
TaskSID String '' The SID of the Task to be updated
Attributes String '' (Optional) A URL-encoded JSON string that will replace the Attributes field of your Task. You should use this parameter for updating the data related to this Task.
AssignmentStatus String '' (Optional) you can update the assignment status of your task by one of these options: pending,completed,cancelled. If you set your task's assignment_status to pending , it will be processed by Its Workflow once again , from the Workflow Step that's shown at the step field of the Task. If you set this field to cancelled , you can also send the Reason parameter for telling what reason the Task is cancelled for.
Reason String '' (Optional) Can only be sent when the AssignmentStatus parameter is set as cancelled as well.

Delete a Task

curl -X DEL </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Task.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .delete(); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get a task with sid and delete it if workspace.tasks.get("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").delete(): print("Task has been deleted!")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a tasks with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .remove();

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a tasks with SID var isDeleted = TaskResource.Delete( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("Task has been deleted!"); } } }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace in which the Task is created
TaskSID String '' The SID of the task


TaskQueue helps the process management system to manage and control how tasks are executed and determine capable Workers to accomplish those Tasks. Tasks are evaluated through predefined Workflow and based on the evaluation results, Tasks are given to TaskQueue to handle by an appropriate Worker.

TaskQueue Properties

TaskQueue worker requirements

A TaskQueue's worker requirements is a JsonLogic rule,used to simply and accurately represent the necessary features or skills required for handling a Task in this TaskQueue

For example , a worker with attributes such as the one below:

{ "name" : "john doe" "age": 44 "department" : "support" "location": "Utah" }

would be receiving Tasks from a TaskQueue with worker_requirements as such:

{ "==":[{"var":"department"},"support"] }

Because the requirement rules for the TaskQueue would be matching the attributes of the Worker.

Create A TaskQueue

curl -X POST </span>
--data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my test task queue' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


TaskQueue tq = TaskQueue.creator("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyName("my test task queue") .create();

System.out.println(tq); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Create a task queue task_queue = workspace.task_queues.create("My new task queue")

# Print task queue content print("TaskQueue FriendlyName: {}".format(task_queue.friendly_name)) print("TaskQueue Sid: {}".format(task_queue.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Crate a task queue rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .taskQueues .create({ friendlyName: "Friendly Name" }, function(err, taskQueue) { console.log(taskQueue.sid); console.log(taskQueue.friendlyName); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create a taskQueue var taskQueue = TaskQueueResource.Create( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Task Queue" );

// Print taskQueue content Console.WriteLine("TaskQueue Sid : " + taskQueue.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + taskQueue.FriendlyName); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my test task queue",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

You can create a TaskQueue by simply providing a FriendlyName

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace in which the TaskQueue is created
FriendlyName String '' A descriptive string that you create to describe the TaskQueue resource. It can be up to 512 characters long
WorkerRequirements JSON Object '{"==":[1,1]}' (optional) A URL-encoded JSON string , representing a JsonLogic rule for Worker relation

Get All TaskQueues

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


TaskQueue.Reader reader = TaskQueue.reader("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(TaskQueue System.out.println(tq); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get all task queues task_queue_fetcher = workspace.task_queues.list(limit=10, page_size=5) for task_queue in task_queue_fetcher: # Print task queue content print("TaskQueue FriendlyName: {}".format(task_queue.friendly_name)) print("TaskQueue Sid: {}".format(task_queue.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all task queues rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .taskQueues .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100 }, function(err, taskQueues) { taskQueues.forEach(function(taskQueue) { console.log(taskQueue.sid); console.log(taskQueue.friendlyName); }) });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all taskQueues var taskQueues = TaskQueueResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

foreach (var taskQueue in taskQueues) { // Print taskQueue content Console.WriteLine("TaskQueue Sid : " + taskQueue.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + taskQueue.FriendlyName); } } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 50,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "task_queues",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "task_queues": [
      "sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "friendly_name": "my test task queue",
      "date_created": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
      "date_updated": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
      "url": "",
      "links": {
        "workspace": ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String '' (optional) Human readable friendly name
PageSize Integer 50 Page size for paging
Page Integer 0 Page number for paging

Fetch a TaskQueue

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


TaskQueue tq = TaskQueue .fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(tq); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get task with sid task_queue = workspace.task_queues.get("WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Print task queue content print("TaskQueue FriendlyName: {}".format(task_queue.friendly_name)) print("TaskQueue Sid: {}".format(task_queue.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a task queues with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .taskQueues("WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(function(err, taskQueue) { console.log(taskQueue.sid); console.log(taskQueue.friendlyName); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a taskQueue with SID var taskQueue = TaskQueueResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print taskQueue content Console.WriteLine("TaskQueue Sid : " + taskQueue.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + taskQueue.FriendlyName); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my test task queue",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

This endpoint fetches a single TaskQueue with all its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' Workspace SID in which the Task is created
TaskQueueSID String '' The SID of the TaskQueue

Update a TaskQueue

curl -X PUT </span>
  /TaskQueues/WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx </span>
  --data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my new name of task queue' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


TaskQueue tq = TaskQueue .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyName("my new name of task queue") .update();

System.out.println(tq); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get task with sid task_queue = workspace.task_queues.get("WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") updated_task_queue = task_queue.update(friendly_name="My Task Queue New Name")

# Print task queue content print("TaskQueue FriendlyName: {}".format(updated_task_queue.friendly_name)) print("TaskQueue Sid: {}".format(updated_task_queue.sid))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a task queues with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .taskQueues("WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update({ friendlyName: "New Friendly Name" }, function(err, taskQueue) { console.log(taskQueue.sid); console.log(taskQueue.friendlyName); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a taskQueue with SID var taskQueue = TaskQueueResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Friendly Name" );

// Print taskQueue content Console.WriteLine("TaskQueue Sid : " + taskQueue.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + taskQueue.FriendlyName); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my new name of task queue",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T09:38:26+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace
TaskQueueSID String The SID of the TaskQueue
FriendlyName String Human readable friendly name
WorkerRequirements JSON Object A URL-encoded JSON string , representing a JsonLogic rule for deciding the Worker relations for the TaskQueue

Delete a TaskQueue

curl -X DEL </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


TaskQueue.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .delete(); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get task with sid and delete it if workspace.task_queues.get("WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").delete(): print("TaskQueue has been deleted!")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a task queues with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .taskQueues("WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .remove();

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a taskQueue with SID var isDeleted = TaskQueueResource.Delete( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("TaskQueue has been deleted!"); } } }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
TaskQueueSID String '' The SID of the TaskQueue


Workflows manage and control the distribution of tasks to workers based on Workflows configurations and capabilities of workers. Workflows configurations is the most important aspect of a workflow process which specifies the order in which tasks must be executed over time by simply described in JSON format and pair tasks into Queues. Each configuration includes a set of conditions which control and evaluate tasks attributes. The rules of condition were defined in JSONLogic format. Read more about JSONLogic here.

When a task is added to the workspace, its own workflow is executed in order to control the task to be channeled into proper Queues. The workflow managing process will continue until the task is either completed or cancelled. Afterwards, based on the evaluation process of Workflows configurations, a task is assigned to a TaskQueue. Workers listen to TaskQueues and reserve the task according to workers availability and capabilities. Assignment Callback mechanism will be enabled to execute the intended request. Workflow's Assignment Callback contains all the information necessary for the worker to perform the task (for example, emailing or texting the Worker or showing a Notification If your Worker is logged in some sort of portal or making an IVR call to your Worker and later updating the Task with the input from the call).

Main features of Workflow listed as following:

You can read about these features and more about Workflows here.

Workflow Properties

Create A Workflow

curl -X POST </span>
--data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my test workflow' 
--data-urlencode 'Configuration={"first_step":"FS111","filters":{"FS111":{"true_queue_sid":"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","false_filter_sid":"FS222","name":"Hot","conditions":{">":[{"var":"temp"},"300"]}},"FS222":{"true_queue_sid":"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","name":"Mild","conditions":{"!=":["1","1"]}}}}' 
--data-urlencode 'AssignmentCallbackUrl=' 
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workflow wf = Workflow.creator("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "my test workflow", "", "{\"first_step\":\"FS111\",\"filters\":{\"FS111\":{\"true_queue_sid\":\"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"false_filter_sid\":\"FS222\",\"name\":\"Hot\",\"conditions\":{\">\":[{\"var\":\"temp\"},\"300\"]}},\"FS222\":{\"true_queue_sid\":\"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\",\"name\":\"Mild\",\"conditions\":{\"!=\":[\"1\",\"1\"]}}}}", )

System.out.println(wf); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# create configuration configuration = { "first_step": "FS111", "filters": { "FS111": { "true_queue_sid":"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "false_filter_sid":"FS222", "name":"Hot", "conditions": { ">":[{"var":"temp"},"300"] } }, "FS222":{ "true_queue_sid":"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "name":"Mild", "conditions": { "!=" : ["1","1"] } } } }

# Create a workflow workflow = workspace.workflows.create("My Workflow", str(configuration), assignment_callback_url="")

# Print workflow content print("WorkflowSid: {}".format(workflow.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(workflow.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Workflow configuration var configuration = { "first_step": "FS111", "filters": { "FS111": { "true_queue_sid":"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "false_filter_sid":"FS222", "name":"Hot", "conditions": { ">":[{"var":"temp"},"300"] } }, "FS222":{ "true_queue_sid":"WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "name":"Mild", "conditions": { "!=" : ["1","1"] } } } }

// Crate a workflow rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workflows .create({ friendlyName: "Friendly Name", configuration: JSON.stringify(configuration), assignmentCallbackUrl: "" }, function(err, workflow) { console.log(workflow.sid); console.log(workflow.friendlyName); });

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create a configuration var configuration = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary<string, Object>() { {"first_step", "FS111"}, {"filters", new Dictionary<string, Object>() { { "FS111", new Dictionary<string, Object>() { { "true_queue_sid", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}, { "false_filter_sid", "FS222"}, { "name", "Hot"}, { "conditions", new Dictionary<string, Object>() { { ">", new object [] { new Dictionary<string, Object>() { { "var", "temp" } }, 300 } } } } } }, { "FS222", new Dictionary<string, Object>() { { "true_queue_sid", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, { "name", "Mild" }, { "conditions", new Dictionary<string, Object>() { { "!=", new object [] { "1", "1" } } } } } } } } }, Formatting.None);

// Create a workflow var workflow = WorkflowResource.Create( assignmentCallbackUrl: new Uri(""), fallbackAssignmentCallbackUrl: new Uri(""), friendlyName: "New Friendly Name", configuration: configuration, pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print workflow content Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSID : " + workflow.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + workflow.FriendlyName);

} }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "WF1-yesno",
  "configuration": {
    "first_step": "FS111",
    "filters": {
      "FS111": {
        "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "false_filter_sid": "FS222",
        "name": "Hot",
        "conditions": {
          ">": [
              "var": "temp"
      "FS222": {
        "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "name": "Mild",
        "conditions": {
          "!=": [
  "task_reservation_timeout": 86400,
  "assignment_callback_url": "",
  "date_created": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

You can easily design and create your Workflow on our developer Portal with an intuitive drag&drop interface. For more information Workflows

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String '' Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long
AssignmentCallbackUrl String '' The URL that we call when a task managed by the Workflow is assigned to a Worker.
FallbackAssignmentCallbackUrl String '' The URL that we call when a call to the assignment_callback_url fails.
Configuration String '' A URL-encoded JSON string that contains the Workflow's configuration. For more information , see Workflows.
Precondition String - (optional) A URL-encoded JsonLogic String , containing a precondition that should be satisfied before any Task Creation
TaskReservationTimeout Integer 86400 (optional) How long Rindap will wait for a confirmation response from your application after notifying the assignment_callback_url about the reservation.

Get All Workflows

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workflow.Reader reader = Workflow.reader("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(Workflow System.out.println(wf); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Fetch all workflow and print content workflow_fetcher = workspace.workflows.list(limit=10, page_size=5) for workflow in workflow_fetcher: print("WorkflowSid: {}".format(workflow.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(workflow.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all workflows rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workflows .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100 }, function(err, workflows) { workflows.forEach(function(workflow) { console.log(workflow.sid); console.log(workflow.friendlyName); }) });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Fetch all workflows var workflows = WorkflowResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

// Iterate on workflows foreach (var workflow in workflows) { // Print workflow content Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSID : " + workflow.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + workflow.FriendlyName); } } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 50,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "workflows",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "workflows": [
      "sid": "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "friendly_name": "my test workflow",
      "configuration": {
        "first_step": "FS111",
        "filters": {
          "FS111": {
            "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "false_filter_sid": "FS222",
            "name": "Hot",
            "conditions": {
              ">": [
                  "var": "temp"
          "FS222": {
            "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "name": "Mild",
            "conditions": {
              "!=": [
      "task_reservation_timeout": 86400,
      "assignment_callback_url": "",
      "date_created": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
      "date_updated": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
      "url": "",
      "links": {
        "workspace": ""

This endpoint retrives all Workflows

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String '' (optional) Human readable friendly name. Can be used for filtering
PageSize Integer 50 Page size for paging
Page Integer 0 Page number for paging

Fetch a Workflow

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workflow wf = Workflow .fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(wf); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get workflow with sid and print content workflow = workspace.workflows.get("WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch() print("WorkflowSid: {}".format(workflow.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(workflow.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a workflows with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workflows("WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(function(err, workflow) { console.log(workflow.sid); console.log(workflow.friendlyName); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a workflow with SID var workflow = WorkflowResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print workflow content Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSID : " + workflow.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + workflow.FriendlyName); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my test workflow",
  "configuration": {
    "first_step": "FS111",
    "filters": {
      "FS111": {
        "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "false_filter_sid": "FS222",
        "name": "Hot",
        "conditions": {
          ">": [
              "var": "temp"
      "FS222": {
        "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "name": "Mild",
        "conditions": {
          "!=": [
  "task_reservation_timeout": 86400,
  "assignment_callback_url": "",
  "date_created": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

This endpoint fetches a single Workflow with all Its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
WorkflowSID String '' The SID of the Workflow

Update a Workflow

curl -X PUT </span>
  /Workflows/WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \  
  --data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my newly named workflow' </span>
  --data-urlencode 'TaskReservationTimeout=3600' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workflow wf = Workflow .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyName("my newly named workflow") .setTaskReservationTimeout(3600)

System.out.println(w); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Update Workflow updated_workflow = workflow.update("New Workflow Name", task_reservation_timeout=3600)

print("WorkflowSid: {}".format(updated_workflow.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(updated_workflow.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a workflows with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workflows("WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update({ friendlyName: "New Workflow Name", taskReservationTimeout: 3600 },function(err, workflow) { console.log(workflow.sid); console.log(workflow.friendlyName); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a workflow var workflow = WorkflowResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", assignmentCallbackUrl: new Uri(""), friendlyName: "New workflow name" );

// Print workflow content Console.WriteLine("WorkflowSID : " + workflow.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + workflow.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Callback URI : " + workflow.AssignmentCallbackUrl); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my newly named workflow",
  "configuration": {
    "first_step": "FS111",
    "filters": {
      "FS111": {
        "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "false_filter_sid": "FS222",
        "name": "Hot",
        "conditions": {
          ">": [
              "var": "temp"
      "FS222": {
        "true_queue_sid": "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "name": "Mild",
        "conditions": {
          "!=": [
  "task_reservation_timeout": 3600,
  "assignment_callback_url": "",
  "date_created": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-06T10:13:34+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace with the Workflow to update
WorkflowSID String The SID of the Workflow to be updated
FriendlyName String (optional) Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long
AssignmentCallbackUrl String (optional) The URL that we call when a task managed by the Workflow is assigned to a Worker.
FallbackAssignmentCallbackUrl String (optional) The URL that we call when a call to the assignment_callback_url fails.
Configuration String (optional) A URL-encoded JSON string that contains the Workflow's configuration. For more information , see Workflows.
Precondition String (optional) A URL-encoded JsonLogic String , containing a precondition that should be satisfied before any Task Creation
TaskReservationTimeout Integer (optional) How long Rindap will wait for a confirmation response from your application after notifying the assignment_callback_url about the reservation.

Delete a Workflow

curl -X DEL </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Workflow.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .delete(); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Delete workflow with sid if workspace.workflows.get("WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").delete(): print("Workflow has been deleted!")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a workflows with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workflows("WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .remove();

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a workflows workflow var isDeleted = WorkflowResource.Delete( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WWxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("Workflow has been deleted!"); } } }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
WorkflowSID String '' The SID of the Workflow


Rindap creates a Reservation subresource whenever a Task is reserved for a Worker. Rindap will provide the details of this Reservation subresource in the Assignment Callback HTTP request it makes to your application server. You can read more about Reservations here

You have multiple options for handling a Reservation:

You can read more about Reservations here

Reservation Properties

Accessing Reservations

There are 3 ways to access a Reservation resource:

Through a Task: Fetching a Reservation

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; // IMPORTING from package import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Reservation r=Reservation.fetcher( "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Task SID "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(r); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get Task with SID task = workspace.tasks.get("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Get reservation with SID reservation = task.reservations.get("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch() print("Reservation SID: {}".format(reservation.sid)) print("Reservation Status: {}".format(reservation.reservation_status))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a reservation with task and reservation SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .reservations("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(function(err, reservation) { console.log(reservation.sid); console.log(reservation.reservationStatus); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace.Task;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Fetch a reservation with SID var reservation = ReservationResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathTaskSid: "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print Reservation Content Console.WriteLine("Reservation SID : " + reservation.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Reservation Status: " + reservation.ReservationStatus); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "worker_sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "task_sid": "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "reservation_status": "rejected",
  "date_created": "2020-04-23T13:47:15+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-04-23T13:49:42+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "task": "",
    "worker": "",
    "workspace": ""

This endpoint fetches a single Reservation with all its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
TaskSID String '' The SID of the Task
ReservationSID String '' The SID of the Reservation

Through a Task: Listing All Reservations of A Task

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; // IMPORTING from package import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Reservation.Reader reader = Reservation.reader( "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setReservationStatus(Reservation.Status.ACCEPTED) ;

for(Reservation System.out.println(r); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get Task with SID task = workspace.tasks.get("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Get all reservation reservations = task.reservations.list(limit=10, page_size=100) for reservation in reservations: # Print Content of reservation print("Reservation SID: {}".format(reservation.sid)) print("Reservation Status: {}".format(reservation.reservation_status))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all reservations rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .reservations .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100 },function(err, reservations) { reservations.forEach(function(reservation) { console.log(reservation.sid); console.log(reservation.reservationStatus); }); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace.Task;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get all reservations var reservations = ReservationResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathTaskSid: "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

foreach (var reservation in reservations) { // Print Reservation Content Console.WriteLine("Reservation SID : " + reservation.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Reservation Status: " + reservation.ReservationStatus); } } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 2147483647,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "reservations": [
        "sid": "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "worker_sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "task_sid": "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "reservation_status": "rejected",
        "date_created": "2020-04-23T13:47:15+03:00",
        "date_updated": "2020-04-23T13:49:42+03:00",
        "url": "",
        "links": {
            "task": "",
            "worker": "",
            "workspace": ""

This endpoint retrives all Reservations of a Task

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace
TaskSID String The SID of the Task
ReservationStatus String (optional) The current status of the reservation. Can be: pending, accepted, rejected, completed. Can be used for filtering
WorkerSid String (optional) The SID of the reserved Worker. Can be used to filter the Reservations by Worker

Through a Task: Updating a reservation

curl -X PUT </span>
  /Tasks/WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Reservations/WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \  
  --data-urlencode 'ReservationStatus=accepted' </span>
--data-urlencode 'AssignmentStatus=pending' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; // IMPORTING from package import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Reservation r=Reservation .updater( "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Task SID "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setReservationStatus(Reservation.Status.ACCEPTED) .update();

System.out.println(r); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get Task with SID task = workspace.tasks.get("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Get reservation with SID reservation = task.reservations.get("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

updated_reservation = reservation.update(reservation_status='rejected') print("Reservation SID: {}".format(updated_reservation.sid)) print("Reservation Status: {}".format(updated_reservation.reservation_status))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a reservation with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .tasks("WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .reservations("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update({ reservationStatus: 'rejected' },function(err, reservation) { console.log(err); console.log(reservation.sid); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace.Task;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Fetch a reservation with SID var reservation = ReservationResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathTaskSid: "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", reservationStatus: ReservationResource.StatusEnum.Rejected );

// Print Reservation Content Console.WriteLine("Reservation SID : " + reservation.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Reservation Status: " + reservation.ReservationStatus); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "worker_sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "task_sid": "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "reservation_status": "rejected",
  "date_created": "2020-04-23T13:47:15+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-04-23T13:49:42+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "task": "",
    "worker": "",
    "workspace": ""

You can update a Reservation by updating Its ReservationStatus.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace
TaskSID String The SID of the Task
ReservationSID String The SID of the Reservation
ReservationStatus String the status of the reservation. Can be "accepted","rejected" or "completed"

Through a Worker: Fetching a Reservation

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap;

// IMPORTING from package import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Reservation r=Reservation.fetcher( "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Worker SID "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(r); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get Worker with SID worker = workspace.workers.get("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Get reservation with SID reservation = worker.reservations.get("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch() print("Reservation SID: {}".format(reservation.sid)) print("Reservation Status: {}".format(reservation.reservation_status))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a reservation with worker and reservation SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .reservations("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(function(err, reservation) { console.log(reservation.sid); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace.Worker;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Fetch a reservation with SID var reservation = ReservationResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathWorkerSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print Reservation Content Console.WriteLine("Reservation SID : " + reservation.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Reservation Status: " + reservation.ReservationStatus); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "worker_sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "task_sid": "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "reservation_status": "rejected",
  "date_created": "2020-04-23T13:47:15+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-04-23T13:49:42+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "task": "",
    "worker": "",
    "workspace": ""

This endpoint fetches a single Reservation with all its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
WorkerSID String '' The SID of the Worker
ReservationSID String '' The SID of the Reservation

Through a Worker: Listing All Reservations of A Worker

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; //IMPORTING Reservation from import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Reservation.Reader reader = Reservation.reader( "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(Reservation System.out.println(r); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get Worker with SID worker = workspace.workers.get("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Get all reservation reservations = worker.reservations.list(limit=10, page_size=100) for reservation in reservations: # Print Content of reservation print("Reservation SID: {}".format(reservation.sid)) print("Reservation Status: {}".format(reservation.reservation_status))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all reservations rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .reservations .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100 },function(err, reservations) { reservations.forEach(function(reservation) { console.log(reservation.sid); console.log(reservation.reservationStatus); }); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace.Worker;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List all reservations var reservations = ReservationResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathWorkerSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

foreach (var reservation in reservations) { // Print Reservation Content Console.WriteLine("Reservation SID : " + reservation.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Reservation Status: " + reservation.ReservationStatus); } } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 2147483647,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "reservations": [
        "sid": "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "worker_sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "task_sid": "WTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "reservation_status": "rejected",
        "date_created": "2020-04-23T13:47:15+03:00",
        "date_updated": "2020-04-23T13:49:42+03:00",
        "url": "",
        "links": {
            "task": "",
            "worker": "",
            "workspace": ""

This endpoint retrives all Reservations of a Worker

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace
WorkerSID String The SID of the Worker
ReservationStatus String (optional) The current status of the reservation. Can be: pending, accepted, rejected. Can be used for filtering

Through a Worker: Updating a reservation

curl -X PUT </span>
  /Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Reservations/WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \  
  --data-urlencode 'ReservationStatus=accepted' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; //IMPORTING Reservation from package import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


Reservation r=Reservation .updater( "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // Worker SID "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setReservationStatus(Reservation.Status.ACCEPTED) .update();

System.out.println(r); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

# Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

# Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")

# Get Worker with SID worker = workspace.workers.get("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Get reservation with SID reservation = worker.reservations.get("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch()

# Update Reservation updated_reservation = reservation.update(reservation_status='rejected') print("Reservation SID: {}".format(updated_reservation.sid)) print("Reservation Status: {}".format(updated_reservation.reservation_status))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// UPdate a reservation with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .reservations("WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update({ reservationStatus: 'rejected' },function(err, reservation) { console.log(err); console.log(reservation.sid); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace.Worker;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a reservation with SID var reservation = ReservationResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathWorkerSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", reservationStatus: ReservationResource.StatusEnum.Completed );

// Print Reservation Content Console.WriteLine("Reservation SID : " + reservation.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Reservation Status: " + reservation.ReservationStatus); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "queues": [
  "activity": "idle",
  "available": true,
  "friendly_name": "my test worker",
  "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

You can update a Reservation by updating Its ReservationStatus.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace
WorkerSID String The SID of the Worker
ReservationSID String The SID of the Reservation
ReservationStatus String the status of the reservation. Can be "accepted","rejected" or "completed"

Rate Limit Profiles

RateLimitProfiles define a limit for the maximum number of Reservations that can be created Hourly.

When a Worker has a rate_limit_profile set, you guarantee that the Worker will not be assigned more than a certain number of Tasks hourly, regardless of the Task's nature , or which Workflow It's processed through or which TaskQueue it comes from. You can read more about Rate Limits and Rate Limit Profiles here.

Using Rate Limit Profiles helps you group similar Workers together and change their pace of Task consumption from a single point of setting. For example , a Call Center may set a rate limit profile for all the Workers in the support department, which lets them all have 12 calls per hour in the morning session , and then update the Rate Limit Profile and let them have 6 calls per hour in the afternoon session, halving their workload and redirecting it to some other department, with a single Rate Limit Profile update.

You can read more about Rate Limits and Rate Limit Profiles here

RateLimitProfile Properties

Create A RateLimitProfile

curl -X POST </span>
--data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my rate limit profile for 6 reservations an Hour' 
--data-urlencode 'ReservationsPerHour=6' 
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


RateLimitProfile rl = RateLimitProfile.creator("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "my rate limit profile for 6 reservations an Hour", 6 )

System.out.println(rl); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") rtp = workspace.rate_limit_profiles.create("My Rate Limit", reservation_per_hour=7) print(rtp)

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Crate a reservation rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .rateLimitProfiles .create({ friendlyName: 'New Rate Limit', reservationsPerHour: 4 }, function(err, rateLimitProfile) { console.log(rateLimitProfile.sid); console.log(rateLimitProfile.friendlyName); console.log(rateLimitProfile.reservationsPerHour); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Create a RateLimitProfile var rateLimitProfile = RateLimitProfileResource.Create( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New RateLimitProfile", reservationsPerHour: 7 );

// Print RateLimitProfile Content Console.WriteLine("SID : " + rateLimitProfile.Sid); Console.WriteLine("FriendlyName : " + rateLimitProfile.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("ReservationPerHour: " + rateLimitProfile.ReservationPerHour); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my rate limit profile for 6 reservations an Hour",
  "reservations_per_hour": 6,
  "date_created": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

You can easily create a RateLimitProfile by providind a friendly name and the number of maximum hourly reservations

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
FriendlyName String '' Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long
ReservationsPerHour String '' The maximum number of Reservations that can be created hourly, for a Worker with this RateLimitProfile

Get All RateLimitProfiles

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


RateLimitProfile.Reader reader = RateLimitProfile.reader("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

for(RateLimitProfile System.out.println(rl); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") rate_limit_profiles = workspace.rate_limit_profiles.list(limit=10, page_size=5) for rate_limit_profile in rate_limit_profiles: print("RateLimitProfileSid: {}".format(rate_limit_profile.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(rate_limit_profile.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get all ratelimits rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .rateLimitProfiles .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100 }, function(err, rateLimitProfiles) { rateLimitProfiles.forEach(function(rateLimitProfile){ console.log(rateLimitProfile.sid); console.log(rateLimitProfile.friendlyName); console.log(rateLimitProfile.reservationsPerHour); }); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// List All RateLimitProfiles var rateLimitProfiles = RateLimitProfileResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 );

foreach (var rateLimitProfile in rateLimitProfiles) { // Print RateLimitProfile Content Console.WriteLine("SID : " + rateLimitProfile.Sid); Console.WriteLine("FriendlyName : " + rateLimitProfile.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("ReservationPerHour: " + rateLimitProfile.ReservationPerHour); } } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "meta": {
    "page_size": 50,
    "page": 0,
    "first_page_url": "",
    "previous_page_url": null,
    "url": "",
    "key": "rate_limit_profiles",
    "next_page_url": ""
  "rate_limit_profiles": [
      "sid": "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "friendly_name": "my rate limit profile for 6 reservations an Hour",
      "reservations_per_hour": 6,
      "date_created": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
      "date_updated": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
      "url": "",
      "links": {
        "workspace": ""

This endpoint retrives all RateLimitProfiles

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
PageSize Integer 50 Page size for paging
Page Integer 0 Page number for paging

Fetch a RateLimitProfile

curl -X GET </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


RateLimitProfiles rl = RateLimitProfile .fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch();

System.out.println(rl); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") rate_limit_profile = workspace.rate_limit_profiles.get('RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx').fetch() print("RateLimitProfileSid: {}".format(rate_limit_profile.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(rate_limit_profile.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a ratelimit with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .rateLimitProfiles("RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(function(err, rateLimitProfile) { console.log(rateLimitProfile.sid); console.log(rateLimitProfile.friendlyName); console.log(rateLimitProfile.reservationsPerHour); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Get a RateLimitProfile with SID var rateLimitProfile = RateLimitProfileResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

// Print RateLimitProfile Content Console.WriteLine("SID : " + rateLimitProfile.Sid); Console.WriteLine("FriendlyName : " + rateLimitProfile.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("ReservationPerHour: " + rateLimitProfile.ReservationPerHour); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my rate limit profile for 6 reservations an Hour",
  "reservations_per_hour": 6,
  "date_created": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

This endpoint fetches a single RateLimitProfile with all Its details

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
RateLimitProfileSID String '' The SID of the RateLimitProfile

Update a RateLimitProfile

curl -X PUT </span>
  /RateLimitProfiles/RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \  
  --data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my newly named rate limit profile' </span>
  --data-urlencode 'ReservationsPerHour=30' </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


RateLimitProfile rl = RateLimitProfile .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyName("my newly named rate limit profile") .setReservationsPerHour(30)

System.out.println(rl); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") rate_limit_profile_fetcher = workspace.rate_limit_profiles.get('RL8e22315c14294c749db7eee2d9d7bc27') rate_limit_profile = rate_limit_profile_fetcher.update(friendly_name="New New Rate Limit", reservation_per_hour=9) print("RateLimitProfileSid: {}".format(rate_limit_profile.sid)) print("FriendlyName: {}".format(rate_limit_profile.friendly_name))

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update a ratelimit with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .rateLimitProfiles("RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update({ friendlyName: "New Friendly Name", reservationsPerHour: 7 },function(err, rateLimitProfile) { console.log(rateLimitProfile.sid); console.log(rateLimitProfile.friendlyName); console.log(rateLimitProfile.reservationsPerHour); });

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update RateLimitProfile var rateLimitProfile = RateLimitProfileResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Friendly Name", reservationsPerHour: 6 );

// Print RateLimitProfile Content Console.WriteLine("SID : " + rateLimitProfile.Sid); Console.WriteLine("FriendlyName : " + rateLimitProfile.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("ReservationPerHour: " + rateLimitProfile.ReservationPerHour); } }

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "sid": "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "friendly_name": "my newly named rate limit profile",
  "reservations_per_hour": 30,
  "date_created": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
  "date_updated": "2020-05-06T16:24:36+03:00",
  "url": "",
  "links": {
    "workspace": ""

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String The SID of the Workspace with the Rate Limit Profile to update
RateLimitProfileSID String The SID of the Rate Limit Profile to be updated
FriendlyName String (optional) Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long
ReservationsPerHour Integer (optional) The maximum number of Reservations that can be created hourly, for a Worker with this RateLimitProfile

Delete a RateLimitProfile

curl -X DEL </span>
-H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" </span>
-H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
// Install the Java helper library from

import com.rindap.Rindap; import;

public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at

public static void main(String[] args) {


RateLimitProfile.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .delete(); } }

from import Client
from import Rindap

client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client)

workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") if workspace.rate_limit_profiles.get('RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx').delete(): print("RateLimitProfile has been deleted!")

var Rindap = require('rindap');

// Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Delete a ratelimit with SID rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .rateLimitProfiles("RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .remove();

using System;
using Rindap;
using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN");

// Update RateLimitProfile var isDeleted = RateLimitProfileResource.Delete( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" );

if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfile has been deleted!"); } } }

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
WorkspaceSID String '' The SID of the Workspace
RateLimitProfileSID String '' The SID of the RateLimitProfile


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.